Spring Update

Missions Conference: Grace Baptist Church

Over 21 years ago, we partnered with Pastor Ward and Cheryl Smith to help launch Grace Baptist Church in Parker, Colorado. This church is thriving in the foothills of Colorado, reaching people for Jesus Christ. We recently returned to serve in a missions conference, encouraging those in attendance to work the Great Commission in their neighborhoods and around the world.

Mission Trip to the Philipines: Solid Rock Bible Church

One of our church plants, Solid Rock Bible Church in South Hutchinson, Kansas, is sending its first mission team to the Philippines in just a few days. Audrey, our daughter, will be joining them as they share the Good News. Please pray for this outreach.

Happening Now: Missions Revival Conference at Iglesia Bautista de Selma

This week, we are with Pastor Daniel and Norma Barajas and a Hispanic church plant in Selma, North Carolina. This growing church, started seven years ago, is reaching their community and many around the world in Great Commission ministry.

The Latin American Project — Update

After launching The Latin America Project last year, we’ve been amazed at all that God has done to bless church-planting pastors and their families. To date, 80 missionary families in nine countries have been supported with gifts totaling $40,000. Click HERE or on the image below to view a short update video from Pastor Wayne.


Cross-Country Ministry


A Busy Start to 2023