Cross-Country Ministry


Earlier this month, we traveled from North Carolina to Vancouver, Washington, to share at Slavic Grace Baptist Church. The weekend included meetings for the ladies, a Friday night English service, a Saturday Regional Youth Conference, Sunday morning and evening services, and a closing youth service. Click HERE to check out our YouTube channel to view the messages.


This past Sunday, we ministered for the first time at Bethany Romanian Baptist Church in California. On Saturday evening, we challenged the youth in their personal Bible study. The Sunday service focused on the importance of being a church that reaches the lost. Please pray for these believers as they work to fulfill the Great Commission.

North Carolina

This weekend, Lorri will share in a Women’s Luncheon at Wildwood Baptist Church in Wilson, and on Sunday we will minister all day in services at Emmanuel Baptist Church in La Grange. Please join us in praying for these meetings.


Mission Trip to Moldova


Spring Update